Of afternoon games and heavy lifting
My updates are really becoming quite infrequent and there's no good reason. It's sad really, not like I'm super busy. I've actually been here at the computer for the last couple of hours more or less doing nothing. At the very least I could update my poor, neglected blog. Getting started is always the hardest part, but I seem to have done so, so I guess we're off.
My long weekend wasn't too bad, overall. Saturday was Marty Boy's big move, which was quite the event. Again, good for him that he finally got his shit together and moved out. It's not a bad place either. He rented a U-Haul, got a few of his friends together (I know them all), packed all his things up and finally got the hell out of his parents' house. There was quite a lot, a bed, bookcase, dresser, lotsa books, clothes, a table and a whole whack of other stuff. All the delicates went in the Volvo and our other buddy Pete's car, while all the big stuff was U-Hauled. I was quite the teamster, moving boxes and shelves whilst smoking a large cigar in the noonday sun. Of course, I was topless as well. Unlike most blue collar types, I don't have a gut, thankfully. Marty Boy and I did pretty much all of the heavy lifting, seeing as his other friends are rather worthless and week. He's on the first floor of a lowrise, so it wasn't so bad. There was plenty of cold beer and he very generously took us all out to lunch afterwards. He's a good fellow. Not exactly a super exciting time, but at least I could say I did something.
Worked on the 'holiday' Monday, but not like I would have had anything else to do. On Wednesday, went to the Jays game with our old pal, The Colonel. Haven't seen that guy in quite a while, it was certainly nice to see him. Roy Halladay was on the mound and it was a beautiful day; I haven't been to an afternoon game in ages, it was nice. My face is a tad sunburnt now, but it's a small price to pay for a nice day out. The Jays won and we hit up Hooters (!!) after the game. The food is nothing to write home about, but the service...oh dear Lord, the service. I could sit here and try in vain to describe to you all just how gorgeous our waitress was...but I don't think my lousy blog-words could ever do her justice. Only The Colonel and I will ever know. Sweet Jesus in heaven, I'm amazed I didn't sin my pants just looking at her. Sigh.
So that's been pretty much it lately. A few things did come up that are worth noting.
Firstly, I am happy to say that the band I was in, is not dead quite yet. Yes, it has been a while, but when I broached the subject with TC, he was glad that I had it on my mind. Aside from one very unpleasant memory, I really did enjoy the prospect of being in a band. Hopefully when Double D is back in the fall and provided the bass issue is sorted out, we might be back in business. My interest hasn't waned, infact I even have two songs I've been half-assedly working at. With a bit of effort, I could probably polish them up in no time. My piano skills are still very rusty, but if things start to come together, I'd certainly be motivated to brush up. My fingers are crossed that all works out. And while I'm on the subject, my two ingenious suggestions for the name of the band are either The New Jerseys (as in the cow, not the state or shirt) or The WTF's. Just throwing it out there.
Secondly, The Colonel has convinced me to go through with this speed dating thing. Though it's too late to sign up for the one coming up on August 22, I will definitely try to get on the list for the next one. It might be good for kicks and seriously, I have very few other options. My biggest worry was that I wouldn't be good enough, that all the other guys would be successful professionals, have good jobs, nice cars, their own places. When I told The Colonel this, his immediate response was "Uh, should your biggest worry be that all the women there are going to be dogs"? Amazingly, this didn't even cross my mind for a second. I guess that really is a much more legitimate concern. What does it say about me that I didn't even consider it at all? I really do spend far too much time caught up in my own insecurity. I think I need him as my life coach and I could have some sort of free trial period that shows a marked effect, I would consider putting the man on salary.
Lastly, something that has nothing to do with any of the above. I am really hating the Lavalife thing right now. I've sent 'smiles' (shown interest) in 12 women on the site and have gotten ZERO smiles back. Now, I pride myself in being a good writer, articulate and witty when I want to be, especially provided I steer clear of the self deprecating shit. On my profile I have done this...I've been to the point, honest and (I think) clever. I've posted what I thought was a good picture. And yet, I get no interest. Same thing on this Hot or Not site. And I have heard so many success stories from these things and I'm really not having any. To be fair, the internet has been far better to me in terms of dating success than anything else, but I really aren't getting anywhere lately. Is it my profile or is it my picture? I really do think it's the latter....So I've put together a collage (I have too much free time) of what I consider are my better pictures...I've love some feedback on which is the best, which I should use on a Lavalife or Hot or Not type profile thing. This could impact my entire future here, so any and all feedback is very much appreciated.

Anyways, that's it for now. I know, I keep meaning to do a big political post, but again I've run out of space. Perhaps it's for the best...I don't want anyone to hate me for my crazy rants. Thanks folks, y'all take care.
My long weekend wasn't too bad, overall. Saturday was Marty Boy's big move, which was quite the event. Again, good for him that he finally got his shit together and moved out. It's not a bad place either. He rented a U-Haul, got a few of his friends together (I know them all), packed all his things up and finally got the hell out of his parents' house. There was quite a lot, a bed, bookcase, dresser, lotsa books, clothes, a table and a whole whack of other stuff. All the delicates went in the Volvo and our other buddy Pete's car, while all the big stuff was U-Hauled. I was quite the teamster, moving boxes and shelves whilst smoking a large cigar in the noonday sun. Of course, I was topless as well. Unlike most blue collar types, I don't have a gut, thankfully. Marty Boy and I did pretty much all of the heavy lifting, seeing as his other friends are rather worthless and week. He's on the first floor of a lowrise, so it wasn't so bad. There was plenty of cold beer and he very generously took us all out to lunch afterwards. He's a good fellow. Not exactly a super exciting time, but at least I could say I did something.
Worked on the 'holiday' Monday, but not like I would have had anything else to do. On Wednesday, went to the Jays game with our old pal, The Colonel. Haven't seen that guy in quite a while, it was certainly nice to see him. Roy Halladay was on the mound and it was a beautiful day; I haven't been to an afternoon game in ages, it was nice. My face is a tad sunburnt now, but it's a small price to pay for a nice day out. The Jays won and we hit up Hooters (!!) after the game. The food is nothing to write home about, but the service...oh dear Lord, the service. I could sit here and try in vain to describe to you all just how gorgeous our waitress was...but I don't think my lousy blog-words could ever do her justice. Only The Colonel and I will ever know. Sweet Jesus in heaven, I'm amazed I didn't sin my pants just looking at her. Sigh.
So that's been pretty much it lately. A few things did come up that are worth noting.
Firstly, I am happy to say that the band I was in, is not dead quite yet. Yes, it has been a while, but when I broached the subject with TC, he was glad that I had it on my mind. Aside from one very unpleasant memory, I really did enjoy the prospect of being in a band. Hopefully when Double D is back in the fall and provided the bass issue is sorted out, we might be back in business. My interest hasn't waned, infact I even have two songs I've been half-assedly working at. With a bit of effort, I could probably polish them up in no time. My piano skills are still very rusty, but if things start to come together, I'd certainly be motivated to brush up. My fingers are crossed that all works out. And while I'm on the subject, my two ingenious suggestions for the name of the band are either The New Jerseys (as in the cow, not the state or shirt) or The WTF's. Just throwing it out there.
Secondly, The Colonel has convinced me to go through with this speed dating thing. Though it's too late to sign up for the one coming up on August 22, I will definitely try to get on the list for the next one. It might be good for kicks and seriously, I have very few other options. My biggest worry was that I wouldn't be good enough, that all the other guys would be successful professionals, have good jobs, nice cars, their own places. When I told The Colonel this, his immediate response was "Uh, should your biggest worry be that all the women there are going to be dogs"? Amazingly, this didn't even cross my mind for a second. I guess that really is a much more legitimate concern. What does it say about me that I didn't even consider it at all? I really do spend far too much time caught up in my own insecurity. I think I need him as my life coach and I could have some sort of free trial period that shows a marked effect, I would consider putting the man on salary.
Lastly, something that has nothing to do with any of the above. I am really hating the Lavalife thing right now. I've sent 'smiles' (shown interest) in 12 women on the site and have gotten ZERO smiles back. Now, I pride myself in being a good writer, articulate and witty when I want to be, especially provided I steer clear of the self deprecating shit. On my profile I have done this...I've been to the point, honest and (I think) clever. I've posted what I thought was a good picture. And yet, I get no interest. Same thing on this Hot or Not site. And I have heard so many success stories from these things and I'm really not having any. To be fair, the internet has been far better to me in terms of dating success than anything else, but I really aren't getting anywhere lately. Is it my profile or is it my picture? I really do think it's the latter....So I've put together a collage (I have too much free time) of what I consider are my better pictures...I've love some feedback on which is the best, which I should use on a Lavalife or Hot or Not type profile thing. This could impact my entire future here, so any and all feedback is very much appreciated.

Anyways, that's it for now. I know, I keep meaning to do a big political post, but again I've run out of space. Perhaps it's for the best...I don't want anyone to hate me for my crazy rants. Thanks folks, y'all take care.
the first picture is the best.
its true the first is the best.
Yes, the first photo is good. But I also like the second one (kind of a boyish, coy, look) and I like the one with the cigar as well.
Hey Hippster;
Glad to hear that your interest is still peaked in the band, and I am truly excited that you have spent some time writing songs, that's one thing that I would love to do, write some music for already established lyrics. The bass issue should be sorted out, I talked to our would be bassist today, and he was still highly keen on the idea. I think we want to do a once a week group practise at the Colonel's house, which should be alright.
As for the photos, from a guy's point of view (which probably matters little, as well as I have no idea what is expected on Lavalife) I would maybe suggest backing the photos up a bit. A little distance which would show your physique a bit or something. That's just my opinion, but I also gonna agree with the gang here and say that the first pic is by far the best. I would recommend erasing the photo where you just took a low pressure shower and your hair is just matted. Again, thats just my opinion.
Anyways, this comment is far too long, which means that I am not being productive at work. So I bid you a fond adieu.
(heart) Dosi
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