Doc, you deserve so much better
I had a whole shit load of other stuff I wanted to talk about, following my official endorsement of John McCain earlier today (see last post). But now I am far too cheesed off. I mean seriously. I keep promising that I'm going to lay off the baseball related posts, but they are really pissing me off. The Toronto FUCKING Blue Jays, that's who.

Two out, bottom of the ninth inning and they blow it. AGAIN. Roy Halladay is the last guy I'm blaming for this one. The guy just pitched his fourth complete game in a row, THREE of which were losses. Why? Because they can't put any FUCKING runs across, that's why. Just yesterday I read a really great piece about the dying art of the complete game and how Halladay is the only pitcher out there who in this day and age can be counted on to give nine solid innings every single time out. Yeah, he lost it in the ninth. He allowed ONE measly run. One which never would have plated, had Vernon Wells (a three time Gold Glover) not bobbled a Kevin Youkilis single to center field, one which (had it been fielded cleanly) would very likely have gotten the bear-like David Ortiz at the plate.
Fucking FUCK. I almost put the remote (or my fist) through the television, something I might well have done were it a cheaper set. Sure Jon Lester pitched a great game as well, I can't ignore that. If this were a more isolated incident, I'd have an easier time dealing with it. The pitching really has been doing its part. But how about putting some GOD DAMNED RUNS on the board and not grounding into double play after double play or leaving a dozen runners stranded every game? I'm at nearly at my wits end and we're still in April. Dammit.

Two out, bottom of the ninth inning and they blow it. AGAIN. Roy Halladay is the last guy I'm blaming for this one. The guy just pitched his fourth complete game in a row, THREE of which were losses. Why? Because they can't put any FUCKING runs across, that's why. Just yesterday I read a really great piece about the dying art of the complete game and how Halladay is the only pitcher out there who in this day and age can be counted on to give nine solid innings every single time out. Yeah, he lost it in the ninth. He allowed ONE measly run. One which never would have plated, had Vernon Wells (a three time Gold Glover) not bobbled a Kevin Youkilis single to center field, one which (had it been fielded cleanly) would very likely have gotten the bear-like David Ortiz at the plate.
Fucking FUCK. I almost put the remote (or my fist) through the television, something I might well have done were it a cheaper set. Sure Jon Lester pitched a great game as well, I can't ignore that. If this were a more isolated incident, I'd have an easier time dealing with it. The pitching really has been doing its part. But how about putting some GOD DAMNED RUNS on the board and not grounding into double play after double play or leaving a dozen runners stranded every game? I'm at nearly at my wits end and we're still in April. Dammit.
i think you should start watching japanese baseball.
I don't think we get it over here, but if it were on, I'd definitely give it a go.
And yes McCain is old, but he's a war hero. People have to vote for him or they might as well take down their flags, throw 'em on the ground and piss all over them. Okay, that was a bit harsh.
You could start watching Toronto A Division Women's Fast Pitch... But they don't let us pitch complete games. On the other hand, there will be ladies there.
Hmm, are your games televised? Okay, I know the answer to that one...still, it might be weird for some random guy to show up as a spectator. Creepy!
And now of course this post looks ridiculous, with the Jays now having won five in a row. Of course I've now jinxed them and they'll be blown out tonight, just watch.
Also I've always wanted to join some sort of an adult league, but it's been so long since I've played, I'm surely so badly out of practice that I suck now.
You'd be surprised. We actually already have a creepy guy that shows up to all of our games and tries to talk to us all. He's been coming for years, and nobody knows why...
Wow, even more creepy than me!
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