Friday, July 08, 2005


Well, it's 3:30 in the morning. I'm still awake. I don't have to work 'til Monday (yay!), but really don't have anything to do all weekend (boo!). Well, I'm gonna go out drinking with Bertmos and Heavy-D tomorrow, so that's something I guess!

So let's see...I was going to post about the fight I almost got into in the parking lot the other day, but I'm too tired. Maybe tomorrow. Went out with my friend Blondie and her friends a bit, then dinner with her, then we met up with Marty Boy for drinks. Not a bad night, until she started to talk about sex, as I was driving her home. That always makes me depressed. I mean REALLY depressed. She was trying to call several guys for a booty call, but was unsuccessful. Wow, she hasn't has sex for all of a week. People tend to complain about lack of sex a lot, ie. "Man, I haven't seen my girlfriend in two hoo hoo". If they had any clue.....

I mean, I'm not judging them at all. It's my problem that I can't get laid, not theirs. People have sex. People talk about it. Just not me it seems. It's very depressing you see. Man, I need to get laid. Does this make me shallow? I don't think it does. Most people have had sex within the last....I'm not even going to say how long it's been. And even if it's been a while, most people have the prospect of having sex sometime in the future. Not me it seems. Wow, this isn't fun. I mean, wow. Again, I need to get laid. This must be my most shallow post ever. But I don't care. You try going........without sex. See how it feels.


Blogger Beer said...

I know it's crass, but it some of the most solid advice I've ever heard on the's 'Vice's Guide to Picking up Chicks!"

July 09, 2005 1:22 PM  
Blogger Daphne said...

I hate to admit it too, but that thing was pretty damn accurate.

July 10, 2005 12:56 AM  
Blogger King Hippo said...

See the problem is that it really doesn't tell me where to meet women so much. All that is well and good, but how do I get myself into a position to use that information?

July 10, 2005 11:20 PM  

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