Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Baseball is back! (on the blog that is)

If I may actually post some good news here on my depressing blog (for a change) I have come into possession of FREE tickets to see the Blue Jays at the Rogers Centre (AKA SkyDome) on two separate occasions! They must be getting desperate because we received two sets of comps mailed to us at the old cigar store in an attempt to sell the 'company' on buying some sort of corporate entertainment package (or something) and sent along a couple of freebies as a token of goodwill (or whatever). Needless to say that's not going to happen but that doesn't concern me. What does is that since I'm the biggest baseball fan there by far (and was quick to open the mail) meaning I now have FREE tickets to see the Jays on July 10th and again on July 25th! Now the trick is finding people to go with me. Yes even with FREE stuff I have the fear of not being able to find folks to hang out with me.

Anyways this doesn't really make up for the fact that my life sucks and that I've been beyond miserable lately (for reasons I'll go into soon) but it's still a pleasant surprise.

And it actually got me to talking about baseball here after a fairly lengthy (by my standards) absence. The Jays beat up on the Yankees tonight in the Bronx and 20 - 10 May does give me just that little bit of hope...perhaps if I now shut up about baseball once again they may just keep on winning. Insignificant as I am, I wouldn't be surprised if I were some sort of curse. Then again perhaps I flatter myself too much.

As a neat little aside, it seems that Roy Halladay has a fan in George W. Bush! Say what you will about the man, but he sure does know his baseball!


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